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Buying Investment Properties


A lender takes your loan application and then the next day you get phone calls from other lenders, how does that happen? Watch and Learn. It happens. You are looking online. You see a great, unbelievable rate and you complete […]

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Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Property Manager

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Property Manager
Are you thinking of hiring a property management company? Then you need to ask the right kind of questions. With the right questions, you stand a high chance of selecting an efficient, effective and reputable property management company. Here are […]

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How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?

How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?
  DSCR loans are different, as the qualification and underwriting are primarily focused on the property instead of borrower.  DSCR lenders will look at your credit score and make sure you have a few months of payments in the bank, […]

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Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?

Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?
When you are selling an investment property can be subject to taxation. Those taxes can add up quickly depending on the type of property, how long it was owned, state taxes, capital gains, depreciation and the owner’s tax bracket. As […]

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5 Things You Should Know Before Investing in a Turnkey Property

5 Things You Should Know Before Investing in a Turnkey Property
What is Turnkey Investing? At its core, turnkey real estate investing is where you buy already rehabbed, tenant-filled, managed properties that are producing positive cash flow. A lot of the extra work that goes into real estate investing is cut […]

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Fannie Mae Reserve Requirements for Investors with Multiple Properties Owned

Fannie Mae Reserve Requirements for Investors with Multiple Properties Owned
What Are Reserves? Reserves are liquid or near liquid assets that are available to a borrower after the mortgage closes. On every loan transaction, reserves are required to be verified as part of the approval process. Acceptable sources or reserves […]

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4 Different Types of LLC’s and the Ways They Pay Taxes

4 Different Types of LLC’s and the Ways They Pay Taxes
There are many different types of LLCs available for real estate investors. Which one is best for you depends on a variety of circumstances, including your personal real estate goals. But one thing many investors initially overlook is that each […]

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