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Multi Property Loan Programs

How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?

How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?
  DSCR loans are different, as the qualification and underwriting are primarily focused on the property instead of borrower.  DSCR lenders will look at your credit score and make sure you have a few months of payments in the bank, […]

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How Many Loans Will the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lend to Investors?

How Many Loans Will the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lend to Investors?
In 2009, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rolled back the mortgage rule that prevented real estate investors from financing more than 4 properties per borrower. At the time, investors were limited to 4 properties financed, which included their primary residence. […]

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