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Investor Loans


A lender takes your loan application and then the next day you get phone calls from other lenders, how does that happen? Watch and Learn. It happens. You are looking online. You see a great, unbelievable rate and you complete […]

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5 Things You Should Know Before Investing in a Turnkey Property

5 Things You Should Know Before Investing in a Turnkey Property
What is Turnkey Investing? At its core, turnkey real estate investing is where you buy already rehabbed, tenant-filled, managed properties that are producing positive cash flow. A lot of the extra work that goes into real estate investing is cut […]

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Fannie Mae Reserve Requirements for Investors with Multiple Properties Owned

Fannie Mae Reserve Requirements for Investors with Multiple Properties Owned
What Are Reserves? Reserves are liquid or near liquid assets that are available to a borrower after the mortgage closes. On every loan transaction, reserves are required to be verified as part of the approval process. Acceptable sources or reserves […]

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Seven Secrets To Successful Single-Family Rental Real Estate Investing

Seven Secrets To Successful Single-Family Rental Real Estate Investing
Real estate investing in general, and single-family real estate investing in particular, is very different from buying stocks, commodities or most other investments. Real estate is a leveraged investment that has the potential for delivering excellent returns because the cash […]

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