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1031 Tax Exchanges

How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?

How Do You Qualify For a DSCR Investor Loan?
  DSCR loans are different, as the qualification and underwriting are primarily focused on the property instead of borrower.  DSCR lenders will look at your credit score and make sure you have a few months of payments in the bank, […]

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Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?

Why Consider A 1031 Tax Exchange?
When you are selling an investment property can be subject to taxation. Those taxes can add up quickly depending on the type of property, how long it was owned, state taxes, capital gains, depreciation and the owner’s tax bracket. As […]

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What is a Good Cap Rate for Real Estate Investors?

What is a Good Cap Rate for Real Estate Investors?
Investing in real estate is all about the numbers, and your Cap Rate is one of the most important calculations. Learn more about what is a good cap rate and the numerous factors that affect it. What is a Cap […]

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